Chief Executive Officer
Human Capital Institute (HCI)
VP, HCM Transformation

Getting the Most Out of the On-demand Economy with On- and Off-boarding

In order to effectively compete for talent, organizations are increasingly optimizing their processes and systems to shape the employee experience. This high-touch approach also has the benefit of helping you better understand why talent opts in (or out) of your organization. In this HCI Keynote video, Carl Rhodes of HCI and Annette Wellinghoff of Oracle share research into how organizations are using on-boarding and off-boarding processes to reshape their relationships with a more rootless and flexible labor force.

Key insights:

  • Learn how internal and external mega-trends like technology, skill instability, and time to productivity are influencing talent strategy at organizations around the world.
  • Consider the growth of the “gig economy” and how it can help (or hurt) your organization.
  • Explore how intentional on-boarding and off-boarding processes can improve new hire retention, engagement, and productivity.
  • Adopt a “high-touch” approach to your talent and create quantifiable ROI for your business.