Executive Director, Executive Learning at the Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
Director, Custom Executive Education - US
IESE Business School
Director, Top Talent Development

Global Action Learning for Transformative Times

In today's complex and changing business environment, next generation learning and development must be able to keep up with and simultaneously morph its methods and systems to ensure true capability building. One such integrated learning system that is a model for hyper-action based learning has been co-created by Oracle Corporation, IESE Business School, and Michigan Ross Business School. Drawing on the two business schools’ learning specialties and faculty intelligence, the Oracle Top Talent Learning Team has created a development ecosystem that encompasses and affects the heads, the hearts, and the hands of its future leaders. Already delivered to over 500 leaders in 12 cohorts, this learning experience and its results are changing the way work is led and executed for business success in Oracle.

No sessions are exactly the same exemplifying the significant levels of disruption and change in the industry and the competition. You will learn how this unique partnership worked globally to develop and design a living experiment for learning in a transformative time.  Key highlights of this successful model will be shared in a blueprint for mobilizing global talent through transformational learning and development.

You will learn:

  • How to mobilize global talent in the face of a transitioning business environment
  • How to foster global networking for business success
  • How to integrate action learning that drives business results in both the short and long-term
  • How to do all of the above using a people-centered approach of head, heart and hands