How an Immersive, Multi-Pronged Leadership Development Program Can Deliver Candidates, High Performance, and Retention
In 2008, UPMC intensified its focus on developing a strong pipeline of internal talent for executive and senior-level positions. This strategy culminated into the creation of the UPMC Leadership Development Intensive (LDI). Aligned to UPMC’s organizational vision and mission, the LDI provides accelerated, executive-level leadership development through a multi-pronged approach.
LDI has evolved into a “next-practice” program that offers a memorable experience to high-potential, high-performing senior leaders that develops them into even stronger leaders in their current role and ignites their career trajectory within the organization. During our presentation, we will share this success story, our measures of success, and practical lessons learned on this journey toward creating a top-notch executive-development program.
You will learn:
- How UPMC utilizes an integrated talent-management approach to identify, assess, and select participants.
- How to design an executive leadership-development program that aligns with organizational vision and mission; anchors to organizational culture; and provides a life-changing experience through a flexible curriculum, diverse learning methods, and immersive, active learning.
- How to effectively measure the program’s effectiveness to ensure ongoing leadership buy-in, funding, and a sustainable return on investment