Professor Clark
Professor of Law; Owner
UC Hastings College of Law; Freshman Training

How To Know When You’re Being Lied To – and Get the Truth You Need To “Win” Any Negotiation

Concurrent Session

Bad news: when you meet someone, they say three untrue things in fifteen minutes. On average, people detect only forty percent of lies – worse than flipping a coin. This highly interactive seminar – including videos from Professor Freshman’s own research at Harvard Business School - teaches you who to trust and what to believe with cutting-edge, proven science

You will learn:

  • Which parts of the eyebrows, nose, and mouth reveal true feelings – including how people feel about past employers
  • When culture does – and does not – affect emotion and lie detection
  • How to detect difficult and disruptive employees early in interviewing
  • How to get better information in investigations
  • Recognize in a split second when your rapport building is working – and when it is backfiring.