Author of Fearless HR
Human Capital Institute (HCI)

Lessons from Fearless HR

The story of Fearless HR also applies to the Learning and Development profession, because it suffers, as well, from less than flattering historical perceptions and conflicting purposes.  Once it is irrevocably stated that L&D’s purpose is to drive business results, it sets a clearer agenda, focus and alignment.  The first step, of course, is to identify those business results that are worth pursuing.  Forman identifies four major insights that contribute to business-focused L&D:

  • A spectrum of business results
  • A hybrid capability and competency framework to improve L&D
  • The development portfolio
  • L&D Levers to drive business results

And finally, Forman will share three practical tools that can help to insure that the most relevant and meaning business outcomes are addressed and acted upon.

You will learn:

  • How L&D must confront past perceptions of its effectiveness before being able to drive business results in the future
  • How the hybrid capability and competency framework in conjunction with the development portfolio lead to driving business outcomes
  • To apply three practical tools that focus on business outcome measures