Associate Director, Talent Development
Astellas Pharma

Linking Happiness, Optimism and Positivity [HOP] to Engagement and High Performance

With the recent advances in neuroscience, we have seen compelling research around the old paradigm that its success first and then happiness later and how this has been turned on its head. By retraining the brain and developing new positive mental models, we can improve our outlook, how we respond to negative challenges, and upgrade our own work performance. Psychologists have completed a meta-analysis and determined that a positive mental model leads to success in every relevant domain, including work, home, health, and relationships. This also is a fresh approach to employee engagement and well-being.  HOP employees are engaged employees and improving engagement scores on a team, business area, or organization has irrefutable benefits. [i]A multi-industry study of six companies found on average that a thriving workplace increased performance by 16%. [ii]Happy employees are 85% more efficient at their work and 10 times less likely to take sick leave.  By increasing engagement, productivity and well-being, “going positive” has immediate impact on the bottom line.

You will learn how to:

  • Explain how happiness, optimism, and positivity literally changes the physiology of the brain
  • Provide a roadmap to overcome our evolutionary bias to negativity
  • Begin developing new neuromaps that default to the positive

[i] Author Glen Rifkin, Happy People Spark High Performance. 

[ii] The Science of Happiness, globoforce.