Research Analyst
Human Capital Institute (HCI)

Livestream Extravaganza Part 1

General Session

HCI research found that more than a third of HR practitioners (35%) agree their organization is overwhelmed by the complexity of workforce planning. Even when organizations have the tools, processes, and expertise needed to manage SWP, 39% say their efforts are hindered by external business factors like policies, regulation and volatility in markets.

Organizations are coping with the pace of change by shortening their SWP cycles. In 2018, only 29% reported an annual planning cycle in comparison to 55% of those surveyed in 2014. HR practitioners and leaders agree that strategic workforce planning warrants the effort and investment. When done correctly and continuously, it enables organizations to address the needs of business by designing plans that integrate business strategy and elements of talent management.

In this interactive workshop, you will:

- Understand the six components necessary for SWP as identified by HCI research.

- Discuss approaches shared by high-performing organizations with robust and agile planning capabilities

- Use an action plan to create a flexible SWP process at your organization.