Workforce Planning & Analytics Practice Leader
Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation

Making Workforce Strategy & Planning an ‘HR Integrator’ to Drive Long-Term Business Success

Getting your workforce planning program off the ground is one challenge, but how do you ensure it is successful over time? Once you’ve secured the initial support of internal stakeholders, how do you prove the value of the investment? In this HCI Keynote video, David Schutt, Workforce Planning & Analytics Practice Leader at Pacific Gas & Electric, describes how his team is working across HR and the business to predict and fill key talent needs.  

Key insights:

  • Understand how external factors like cost of living can affect internal talent trends at your organization.
  • Train your HR business partners to apply workforce planning and analytics throughout the business.
  • Embed workforce planning into existing business processes and systems.
  • Strive to achieve common understanding of how to segment your workforce.