Lead Organizational Designer/Adviser to CEO

REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Zappos Employee-Centric Systems in Practice

Interactive Sessions

Zappos is known for our amazing company culture and customer service but keeping these things strong isn’t always easy. As Zappos grew they realized that many traditional ways of operating were setting them back and slowing them down. This speech will highlight novel ways Zappos has been emphasizing employee empowerment, encouraging non-linear progression, and bolstering entrepreneurism. This breakout session will focus on practical real-life examples of what these methodologies look like in practice as well as practical ways to implement them.

What you will learn:

- Change Management. Practices for how to lead large company initiatives by building an organic growth that leads to a “snowball” effect. Experimental Mindset. How to look at everything that you do as an experiment. 

- Methodologies for creating a hypothesis, a minimum viable product, and iterating on the initial experiment.

.- Process Evolution. Learn processes for how to run many organizational experiments while communicating a clear a consistent message to employees about the vision of the company.