Think like an Architect: Putting the “Experience” into “Employee Experience”
The best development programs create an experience, and experiences don’t just happen – they must be masterfully architected. Hear how Angela Heyroth has positioned Charles Schwab’s firm-wide learning programs into architected experiences that connect to hearts and minds, drive engagement, accelerate growth, and maximize potential. She’ll showcase how thinking holistically across the employee lifecycle, collaborating strategically cross-firm, and connecting the programs with key signature elements, ultimately builds transformative experiences. You’ll understand how her team thoughtfully plans, designs, constructs, and actively manages blended experiences ranging from onboarding and culture assimilation to career development and then on to leader and executive development. Since the world’s best architectural feats are often viewed as cultural touchstones, Angela will help you begin readying to move beyond stand-alone programs to your own architected masterpieces!
You will learn:
- How to design a great employee development experience that engages across the employee lifecycle
- Who to consider aligning with and best practices for connecting core partners across the firm
- What strengths and competencies are needed in professionals who build complex employee programs