Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer

Unpacking the “New Diversity:” A Multi-Generational Workplace

The cornerstone to building the strongest team is building the most diverse team — one that runs the spectrum of personal experiences and perspectives, as global HR leaders and numerous studies will tell you. Yet contrary to popular belief, diversity isn’t solely about hiring a variety of ethnicities and cultures — it’s about age, too.

In 2018, we had five generations working in the same offices, each with their own views about what makes a great team member. Naturally, each generation has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the workplace, and it’s very human for one generation to criticize another for what they perceive to be the other’s weakness. However, if we take a closer view, we learn that each generation brings a very valuable perspective and set of skills to the table.

In this session, Yapstone’s Chief People Officer, Deb Tenenbaum, will explore the multi-generational workplace and how forward thinking human resource professionals can tap the power of Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z, as they fulfill the company’s core mission.

This session will provide:

  • An in-depth overview of today’s generational breakdown and how it impacts the makeup of your workforce now and in the future
  • Compelling case studies about generational strengths that propel the business forward
  • Strategies for creating a generationally inclusive culture with a focus on technology