
Women Leaders at Google, Wellbeing is About Emotional Resilience and Compassion

General Session

At Google, wellbeing is about emotional resilience and compassion

In 2014, Google's People Development department noticed some concerning results from the company's annual survey, Googlegeist. Women senior leaders were reporting disturbingly low wellbeing when compared with their male counterparts. The trend was across the board, and People Development decided to do something about it. The team created a leadership course for women -- Sustaining High Performance for Women -- and piloted it with about 20 women leaders. The results were astounding. Not only did wellbeing scores increase, but so did scores related to retention, innovation and belonging. That's when we knew we had something. Today, we've reached nearly 300 senior women leaders at Google with this course, and have evolved the content over time to meet the challenges that Google's female leaders face today, and in the future.

In this session, you'll learn:

• Why traditional wellbeing programs often fail to produce sustainable results.

• How to create an environment where leaders can examine both their physical and emotional wellbeing, and interplay between these domains.

• What you can do in your own organizations to raise the bar on leadership wellbeing through a variety of strategies.