Founder and Chief Experience Officer
Experience Engineering, Inc.
Lou Carbone is founder and CEO of Experience Engineering®, Inc., an experience management consulting firm, the first of its kind, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Since the late 1980’s, Carbone, actually referred to as the “father of Customer Experience Management”, has been at the forefront of exploring and developing and creating cutting edge tools and experience management perspectives. He is globally recognized as a significant thought leader in the field as well as an experience management futurist continuously innovative, hands-on academic/practitioner.
He has written and co-authored numerous academic articles and wrote the book “Clued In: How to keep customers coming back, again and again, Published by FT Prentice Hall which won Fast Company’s Reader’s Choice Award. Including a paper that was cited as the best paper by Sage Publications on Memorability of Experiences. Citations from those works in academic publications number in the thousands.
More than two decades has collaborated very often with Dr. Leonard Berry, of the Mays School at Texas A&M. Len co-authored the book Management Lessons from the Mayo Clinic with Dr. Kent Seltman, former Chair of Marketing at the Clinic and has been recognized for contributing more to academic literature than any other academic ever.
Lou originated the concept of Total Experience Management™ and a robust methodology called Experience Engineering®. He is the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at Health Quality Partners and has served on the board of Fairview Physician’s Associate Network, as well as the Chairman of the Brown College Board of Trustees. Board Brown College Board Chair.
He has spoken across the Globe hundreds of times delivering Keynote addresses.
Prior to founding Experience Engineering Lou was the Global Vice President of Marketing at National Car Rental during the innovative creation of the Paperless Rental Agreement, Emerald Club®, The Emerald Aisle where choose your vehicle. Which the entire industry has now mimicked by the industry decades later.
Lou was a senior executive with major advertising agencies in NYC, Detroit and Minneapolis and served as a Journalist in his early career.