Dr. Theodora Fitzsimmons, PCC, CCM, and Accredited Coach Supervisor, is a Leadership and Professional Development expert and Executive Coach in the federal government with over 30 years’ experience in the public and private sector. She started her career in higher education administration and teaching and transferred to corporate training. After working as a government contractor for several years, she jumped into federal service, where she spearheaded initiatives and led training and leadership development teams. She currently leads the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Coaching Program with the goal of transforming the culture of the agency to one where more listening and open communication occurs. She is passionate about and provides coaching to emerging leaders and senior executives in government because she believes that coaching enables these leaders to face the unprecedented challenges of today and the future in the workplace. She serves as lead faculty member and Coach Mentor in the Federal Internal Coach Training Program and has been instrumental in promoting and authoring the guidelines and policies that define coaching in the federal government.