Beyond a family of products and services, every company hinges on its leadership – or lack thereof. But leadership is not static, and as time goes by, current leaders retire, move onto other positions and pass the reigns to someone else as seen recently in Micron and Johnson & Johnson. How can this transition be handled most effectively, and how can organizations today ensure that when the torch gets passed, no one gets burned? Learn firsthand the elements to successful succession planning – what it is, what it can do, and why leaders and their successors are so critical to a thriving organization.
It is important to recognize and better understand the value of an effective succession planning strategy and process. Who should be selected as a next-in-line leader and what criteria should be used to assess such candidates? What pool of individuals should leaders-in-waiting come from? And, most importantly, what roles in your organization require the support and expertise of a succession planning strategy? Don’t miss these webcast takeaways:
Discover how the best succession management companies assess their leaders and choose new ones
Learn the common pitfalls of succession planning that have cost other top organizations in the past
Identify prescriptive ways you can influence your company’s succession planning process and improve its overall value and reliability