2008 has been a challenging year for the global economy. The bursting of the housing bubble in the United States and the related credit crunch, combined with increasing energy prices and a subsequent decline in spending, have many employers in retreat. As organizations retrench, many are searching for opportunities to defer not only capital investments but human-capital investments as well. This phenomenon, combined with the impact of globalization, the speed of change in business and continuing talent shortages, often leaves HR professionals in the unenviable position of playing "catch-up" with the business. Playing catch-up manifests itself in stop-and-start recruiting and retention objectives, vacancies in strategic roles and HR organizations that are focused on reducing operating expenses rather than improving operating results. Winning will require HR leaders to break this cycle and get off the talent treadmill (i.e., continuous cycle of reactive and disjointed talent management decisions).
Getting off the talent treadmill and adopting a more proactive, business-centered approach ensures that the right number of people with the right skills are deployed, engaged and rewarded appropriately to execute a company's strategy. Organizations can successfully hardwire talent strategy to business strategy by applying the three-step process that will be discussed in the webinar.