The Trauma-Informed Leader
The Trauma-Informed Leader
Join us for this critical Master Class with HCI’s faculty member, Tanya Kleindienst, MA, TIPC™ Trauma-informed Professional Coach. You will learn practical tools and tips to create a trauma-informed workplace and answer the following questions together.
- What is trauma and how is it different from stress?
- How might trauma affect our health and potentially show up in the workplace?
- As a leader or colleague, how can I recognize that someone may be experiencing trauma? How can I react and respond in a better trauma-informed way?
- How can I evaluate the work environment, processes, policies and operating cadence to create a workplace that promotes well-being?
Join us to learn more because connection is the first step in mitigating the impacts of trauma.

Tanya Kleindienst brings more than 25 years of senior-level organization development experience with two Fortune 500 companies and consulting experience. Tanya’s mission is to champion leaders who are ready to create authentic, transformative change that lasts. She leverages human behavior science for the betterment of the human experience. Her services include organization design and change management, creating corporate culture movements, leadership team development and coaching, and individual executive coaching.