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11:00am-11:05am EDT Welcome Remarks
11:05am-11:40am EDT Starting from Scratch: Reimagining the Future of Feedback and Performance Management
In many organizations, every few years brings another round of changes to the performance management process. Reboots, revamps, and redesigns promise us a brighter evaluation...
11:45am-12:20pm EDT The Metrics Behind Performance Management
HR frequently tells their leaders “this is what we are hearing” and “this is what we should do” – but leadership always wants the data to back it up! Gathering this feedback...
12:20pm-12:35pm EDT COLLEAGUE CAFÉ- Virtual Networking
The Colleague Cafe is your chance to talk with presenters and attendees in a very personal way. Each presenter will host their own Cafe to take your questions and talk about...
12:35pm-1:10pm EDT Great Feedback: Two Truths, Not One
The typical approach to feedback resembles a bombing raid where managers stay at a high level, deliver their payload, and get the heck out of there as fast as possible. It’s...
1:45pm-2:20pm EDT Long-Distance Leadership: How to Manage and Engage a Distributed Workforce
How do you work together while apart? Can teamwork be strengthened asynchronously? Learn more about how traditional management methods need to be updated for remote work...
3:00pm-3:15pm EDT COLLEAGUE CAFÉ- Virtual Networking
The Colleague Cafe is your chance to talk with presenters and attendees in a very personal way. Each presenter will host their own Cafe to take your questions and talk about...
2:25pm-2:55pm EDT A Journey to Continuous Performance Management
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) aims to treat its employees with the same life changing experience we expect for our patients, members, and the communities...